
I will join Westlake University (AI) as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Spring 2025, and lead 远兮实验室 ( as PI.

I am actively recruiting 25Fall PhD, RA ( >6 months, research oriented ) and visiting student ( target for 26Fall PhD@Westlake ). If you are interested, please complete the Google Form, then send the required materials to Email, as outlined in Recruitment

I am currently a final Year Ph.D. student (2020.11 - Now), working in Perceiving Systems, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS), with Michael J. Black and Dimitrios Tzionas. As a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow (MSCA) of CLIPE (ESR 11), I work on Democratizing Human-centric Digitization in computer vision, computer graphics and machine learning.

I was briefly enrolled (2019.9-2020.10) as a Ph.D. student in Vision and Graphics Lab at University of Southern California, advised by Hao Li. I got M.Sc. degree at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2019, working in Machine Vision and Intelligence Group, advised by Cewu Lu, and got B.Eng. degree in Digital Media Technology at Shandong University in 2016, worked closely with Lu Wang.

I spent wonderful time at USC Institute for Creative Technology with Jun Xing, at Kwai Y-tech with Chongyang Ma, at LightChaser Animation Studio with Xinxin Zhang, and at Ubisoft La Forge. I am interning at Meta Reality Labs with Shunsuke Saito.


[2024/10/19] Please check out our Stable-X HuggingFace demos: StableNormal, StableRecon, and StableDelight.
[2024/08/29] Invited talk "Democratizing Human Digitization from Casual Photos" at GAMES Webinar
[2024/07/28] PuzzleAvatar and StableNormal both get accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 (Journal), see you in Tokyo.
[2024/07/22] I start the internship at Reality Labs Research @ Meta, working with Shunsuke Saito, see you at Pittsburgh.
[2024/07/02] I will serve as the Area Chair of 3DV 2025, see you in Singapore.
[2024/05/08] We will organize the workshop of Foundation Models for 3D Humans on ECCV'24, call for posters and demos!
[2024/04/12] BOFT (ICLR'24) has been integrated into
[2024/03/21] I will serve as the Publicity Chair of 3DV (2025), please share your academic meme via @3DVconf
[2024/01/31] My three master mentees got their Ph.D. offers from TUM , MBZUAI, and HKU, see my Mentoring List.
[2024/01/16] G-Shell and BOFT get accepted by ICLR 2024, and G-Shell is selected as Oral (top 1.2%).
[2023/12/14] I will join Westlake University as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Spring 2025, and relocate to Hangzhou.

[2023/11/13] "Parameter-Efficient Orthogonal Finetuning via Butterfly Factorization" comes out, see BOFT.
[2023/11/09] Invited talk "Democratizing Human Digitization" at Westlake University [Slides]
[2023/10/24] "Ghost on the Shell: An Expressive Representation of General 3D Shapes" comes out, see G-Shell.
[2023/10/16] Both TeCH and TADA get accepted by 3DV 2024.
[2023/08-09] Invited talks "Human Digitization from Pixels and Tokens" at Google Research, Cornell, Tsinghua IIIS, and IDEA
[2023/08/21] "TADA! Text to Animatable Digital Avatars" comes out, see TADA.
[2023/08/17] "TeCH: Text-guided Reconstruction of Lifelike Clothed Humans" comes out, see TeCH.
[2023/07/14] "D-IF: Uncertainty-aware Human Digitization via Implicit Distribution Field" (ICCV 2023), see D-IF.
[2023/01-06] Invited Talk (30 min) "Towards Large-scale Human Digitization: Implicit or Explicit?" (Slides, 75MB) at industry (Taichi, Shanghai AI Lab, BIGAI, Huawei) and academia (PKU, CUHK, UCLA, ETH Zurich, SDU, CAS).
[2023/04/23] ECON won Outstanding Poster (4/80) in China 3DV.
[2023/04/16] Now both and Google Colab are available for ECON users!
[2023/03/21] ECON has been selected as CVPR highlight papers (10% of accepted papers, 2.5% of submissions).
[2023/03/15] 💕 I'm thrilled to announce that Cathy and I are finally tying the knot! 💍 Love Moment
[2023/02/27] ECON and CAR got accepted by CVPR 2023. Byebye Vancouver!
[2023/02/13] NYTimes"See How Kansas City Secured Its Comeback", ICON for Super Bowl 2023!
[2023/01/12] Multiple contributors support Windows, Docker, Blender andGoogle Colab for ECON, bravo!
[2022/12/20] NYTimes"Modeling Key World Cup Moments with Machine Learning", ICON for World Cup 2022!
[2022/12/15] ICON belongs to the past, ECON is the future!
[2022/11/07] AlphaPose finally got accepted by TPAMI 2022
[2022/09/17] DART got accepted by NeurIPS 2022 - Datasets and Benchmarks Track.
[2022/08/29] I am invited to give a talk at Adobe's Digital Human Seminar.
[2022/08/01] Google Colab of ICON, play with it on your images!
[2022/04/20] Invited to talk about ICON at Talking Papers Podcast. Great chat with Yizhak Ben-Shabat!
[2022/04/07] 走进马克思普朗克智能系统研究所与苏黎世联邦理工AIT团队 视频(中文) [, ].
[2022/03/02] ICON got accepted by CVPR 2022Reader Discord 
[2022/02/01] I am invited to give Tech Talks by USC-ICT, and Meta Reality Labs, Pittsburgh (PDF, 21MB).
[2021/12/17] New work "ICON: Implicit Clothed humans Obtained from Normals", please check its page.
[2020/09/01] Get admitted to CLIPE ESR11 and will be joining Michael Black's team at MPI for Intelligent Systems.
[2020/08/26] " Volumetric Human Teleportation" won Best in Show Award of SIGGRAPH Real-Time Live 2020!
[2020/08/25] Project-Splinter: Human Digitization with Implicit Representation is launched!
[2020/07/02] Our "Monoport: Monocular Real-Time Volumetric Teleportation" work was accepted by ECCV 2020
[2020/05/08] Our "Volumetric Human Teleportation" demo was accepted by SIGGRAPH Real-Time Live 2020
[2019/03/03] I will be joining USC CS Ph.D. Program in fall 2019, advised by Hao Li
[2019/01/24] I gave an invited talk at MPI for Intelligent Systems, Perceiving Systems department.


Representative works are highlighted    (*/† equal contribution, # corresponding author)

PuzzleAvatar: Assembling 3D Avatars from Personal Albums 

Yuliang Xiu, Yufei Ye, Zhen Liu, Dimitrios Tzionas, Michael J. Black
ACM Transactions On Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2024
Intro  Home  Paper Video  Bibtex 
StableNormal: Reducing Diffusion Variance for Stable and Sharp Normal 

Chongjie Ye*, Lingteng Qiu*, Xiaodong Gu, Qi Zuo, Yushuang Wu, Zilong Dong,
Leifeng Bo, Yuliang Xiu#, Xiaoguang Han#
(* equal contribution, # corresponding author)
ACM Transactions On Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2024
Intro  Home  Paper Video  Bibtex 
Parameter-Efficient Orthogonal Finetuning via Butterfly Factorization 

Weiyang Liu*, Zeju Qiu*, Yao Feng†, Yuliang Xiu†, Yuxuan Xue†, Longhui Yu†,
Haiwen Feng, Zhen Liu, Juyeon Heo, Songyou Peng, Yandong Wen,
Michael J. Black, Adrian Weller, Bernhard Schölkopf
(*/† equal contribution)
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024)
Intro  Home  Paper Bibtex 
Ghost on the Shell: An Expressive Representation of General 3D Shapes 

Zhen Liu, Yao Feng†, Yuliang Xiu†, Weiyang Liu, Liam Paull, Michael J. Black, Bernhard Schölkopf
(† equal contribution)
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024, Oral)
Intro  Home  Paper Bibtex 
TeCH: Text-guided Reconstruction of Lifelike Clothed Humans 

Yangyi Huang*, Yuliang Xiu*, Hongwei Yi*, Tingting Liao, Jiaxiang Tang, Deng Cai, Justus Thies
(*equal contribution)
International Conference on 3D Vision 2024 (3DV 2024)
Intro  Home  Video Paper Bibtex 
TADA! Text to Animatable Digital Avatars 

Tingting Liao*, Hongwei Yi*, Yuliang Xiu, Jiaxiang Tang, Yangyi Huang, Justus Thies, Michael J. Black
(*equal contribution)
International Conference on 3D Vision 2024 (3DV 2024)
Intro  Home  Paper Video Bibtex 
D-IF: Uncertainty-aware Human Digitization via Implicit Distribution Field 

Xueting Yang*, Yihao Luo*, Yuliang Xiu, Wei Wang, Hao Xu, Zhaoxin Fan
(*equal contribution)
International Conference on Computer Vision 2023 (ICCV 2023)
Intro  Home  Paper Bibtex 
ECON: Explicit Clothed humans Optimized via Normal integration 
Google Colab

Yuliang Xiu, Jinlong Yang, Xu Cao, Dimitrios Tzionas, Michael J. Black
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023 (CVPR 2023, Highlight)
Intro  Home  Paper Video   Zhihu  Bibtex 
High-Fidelity Clothed Avatar Reconstruction from a Single Image  

Tingting Liao, Xiaomei Zhang, Yuliang Xiu, Hongwei Yi, ..., Xiangyu Zhu, Zhen Lei
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023 (CVPR 2023)
Intro  Home  Paper Bibtex 
AlphaPose: Whole-Body Regional Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Tracking in Real-Time 

Hao-shu Fang*, Jiefeng Li*, Hongyang Tang, Chao Xu, Haoyi Zhu, Yuliang Xiu, Yong-lu Li, Cewu Lu
(*equal contribution)
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI 2022)
Intro  Home  Paper Video  Bibtex 
DART: Articulated Hand Model with Diverse Accessories and Rich Textures 

Daiheng Gao*, Yuliang Xiu*, Kailin Li*, Lixin Yang*,..., Cewu Lu, Ping Tan
(*equal contribution)
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022 -Datasets and Benchmarks Track)
Intro  Home  Paper Video  Bibtex 
ICON: Implicit Clothed humans Obtained from Normals 
Google Colab

Yuliang Xiu, Jinlong Yang, Dimitrios Tzionas, Michael J. Black
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2022 (CVPR 2022)
Intro  Home  Paper Slides  Video   Zhihu  Bibtex 
Monocular Real-Time Volumetric Performance Capture 

Ruilong Li*, Yuliang Xiu*, Shunsuke Saito, Zeng Huang, Kyle Olszewski, Hao Li
(*equal contribution)
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2020)
Intro  Home  Paper Video   Zhihu  Bibtex  
Volumetric Human Teleportation 

Ruilong Li, Kyle Olszewski, Yuliang Xiu, Shunsuke Saito, Zeng Huang, Hao Li
SIGGRAPH Real-Time Live 2020 (Best in Show Award)
Intro  Home  Paper Video  Bibtex  
Pose Flow: Efficient Online Pose Tracking 

Yuliang Xiu, Jiefeng Li, Haoyu Wang, Yinghong Fang, Cewu Lu
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2018)
Intro  Paper  Zhihu  Bibtex  

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